Thursday, September 3, 2020

Drug Abuse :: Substance Abuse Essays

Medication misuse negatively affects society that must be somewhat estimated. While we can evaluate the quantity of medication related violations that happen every year, we can never decide completely the degree to which the personal satisfaction in America’s neighborhoods has been reduced by sedate related criminal conduct. Except for sedate related murders, which have declined as of late, tranquilize related wrongdoing is proceeding at a solid and consistent pace. Various Drug-Related Arrests Occur Each Year. In 1994, state and neighborhood law implementation offices made an expected 1.14 million captures for sedate law infringement. The biggest level of these captures were for tranquilize ownership (75.1 percent).45 Arrestees Frequently Test Positive for Recent Drug Use. The National Institute of Justice Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) program ascertains the level of captured people whose pee shows sedate use. In 1995, DUF information gathered from male arrestees in twenty-three urban areas indicated that the rate testing positive for any medication went from 51 percent to 83 percent. Female arrestees went from 41 percent to 84 percent. Among guys, arrestees accused of medication ownership or deal were well on the way to test positive for sedate use. Among females, arrestees accused of prostitution, tranquilize ownership or deal were well on the way to test positive for sedate use. The two guys and females captured for theft, robbery, and taking vehicles had high positive rates.46 Medication Offenders Crowd the Nation’s Prisons and Jails. At midyear 1996, there were 93,167 detainees in government penitentiaries, 1,019,281 in state detainment facilities, and 518,492 in jails.47 In 1994, 59.5 percent of administrative detainees were sedate offenders48 as were 22.3 percent of the detainees in state prisons.49 The expansion in medicate guilty parties represents almost seventy five percent of the absolute development in bureaucratic jail prisoners since 1980. Most medication guilty parties are detained for having a larger number of medications than could be devoured by one individual circulating medications or perpetrating genuine wrongdoings identified with tranquilize deals. In 1995, for instance, just 4,040 individuals were condemned in government courts for cannabis related charges; 89.1 percent of those wrongdoers were confronting dealing charges.50 Detainees in Federal and State Prisons were frequently affected by Drugs when they Committed Offenses. A 1991 review of government and state jails, found that tranquilize guilty parties, thieves, and burglars in state penitentiaries were the well on the way to report being affected by drugs while carrying out violations. Detainees in state penitentiaries who had been indicted for murder, attack, and open request offenses were to the least extent liable to report being affected by drugs.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Consultation and Collaboration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discussion and Collaboration - Research Paper Example Joint effort is basics while guaranteeing that all understudies, incorporating those with exceptional requirements, are remembered for the general homeroom suitably. The instructors and their advisor associates should likewise know about what the best way to deal with the utilization of coordinated effort to the advantage of the understudies is. Inferable from the way that instructors ordinarily don't have capabilities that are essential in the arrangement of the most ideal training to all understudies, utilizing an advising master helps in the formation of suitable conditions for learning. While synergistic discussion happens away from the general homeroom, whereby the advocate gives data to the instructor in the general study hall, it can likewise happen where a guide counsels numerous educators in more than one study hall through contribution help to understudies without being available during all exercises in the general study hall (Coleman and Yeh, 2008). The most well known typ e of conference today in schools is the community oriented procedure model, while the aptitude driven model is a less mainstream technique. In this synergistic discussion, the guide works with the instructors in the school as an accomplice or as a co-master (Kampwirth and Powers, 2012). This is not quite the same as the mastery driven model of discussion that has the advocate as the main master for the subject. Community oriented interview is principally centered around the structure of affinity, discovering answer for issues, just as building the limit with regards to foundational associations, gatherings, or people to profit the distinguished populace of customers or single customers (Kampwirth and Powers, 2012). School advisors who utilize cooperative discussion procedures can include instructors and school principals as co-specialists during the distinguishing proof of contributing components and the age of answers for issues concerning non-attendance of understudies (Kampwirth and Powers, 2012). The school guide in the skill driven model embraces the entire procedure alone so as to decide the most ideal arrangement, which they at that point give to the teacher. School guides are affected in picking the right strategy for discussion dependent on different hypothetical ideal models that administer the counselor’s and teacher’s perspective (Brigman, 2009). There is fluctuated support for the structure of interview with specific model premises being effectively tried using straight and observational methods than others. Therefore, it is fundamental for instructors in the school setting to research the system that is steady of their training as a result. With respect to the created structures for interview, there are three fundamental structures, which incorporate social mixed meeting, psychological well-being counsel, and foundational hierarchical discussion. The structure for psychological wellness discussion centers for the most part around li mit working concerning singular instructors in order to assist them with functioning admirably with their customers, gives that worry their customers, just as the authoritative setting (Brigman, 2009). The social varied model of conference has its primary spotlight on the adjustment of issue practices that are unmistakably verbalized and occupied with by the customers whom the instructors have just recognized. The procedure through which customers are engaged with conduct change can improve singular instructor limits. The structure of foundational organiza

Friday, August 21, 2020

One Fat Summer Analysis Of Important Theme Essay Example For Students

One Fat Summer Analysis Of Important Theme Essay One Fat Summer by Robert Lipsyte, is an awesome book for young people that vibe uncertain about themselves and have low confidence. In the book they will find out about a little fellow name, Bobby who conquers his feelings of trepidation of being fat and being tormented by Willie, one that is a lot more grounded then him genuinely, however not inwardly. The fundamental subject of this story is to go to bat for yourself regardless of the circumstance. Willie, the rival of the story inadvertently causes Bobby to defeat his apprehensions and face him. In a manner Willie could be a hero since he assists Bobby with conquering his feelings of trepidation. Willie is an insane individual that doesnt comprehend what he is doing. Everything began in the late spring when Bobby, an overweight multi year old is humiliated to take his garments off and swim in the sea shore since he is humiliated that individuals would ridicule his flimsy legs and stomach, yet that isnt the his most noticeably awful dread. He had taken swimming exercises the previous summer, yet quit in light of the fact that he began to put on a great deal of weight. He attempts to disregard the dreadful comments individuals state about him, yet they remain in his psyche. He can kind of overlook it since his closest companion, Joanie has the ugliest nose on the essence of the earth, yet she doesnt care somewhat about what others think, which makes her Bobbys guide, sort of. Bobby gets himself a hard low paying activity. It doesnt matter to him the amount it pays, however he needs to have a sense of safety about himself that he can accomplish something in his life aside from eat. The activity is to cut a grass for eight hours per day. The grass trimmer turns into an image in the story since it causes him get more fit and have a sense of safety about himself. He overcomes that dread pretty effectively, however another dread anticipates him. He winds up within a container since he needs to carry out the responsibility since he feels increasingly certain, however Willie, the man that didnt land the position as Dr. Kahns garden cutter is frantic at Bobby for taking the activity. He is continually ridiculing Bobby, yet one day he didnt disregard it, he went up to Willie and advised him to stop. Willie stopped, however one night when Bobby was strolling back home from the lake, Willie slams out of his vehicle and takes steps to execute Bobby. Nobody comprehends what will occur, yet Bobby does. He comprehends what he will do. He advises Willie to get out and he does. He doesnt get annoyed for a week or so in light of the fact that Willie was on an excursion. Willie was at last back and holds him prisoner at the lake. Bobby was truly terrified that he would get fired by Willies shotgun. Out of no where the lake lifeguard comes out and pushes Willie into the lake and afterward Bobby hops in to battle. Since Bobby was the hero of holding his breath the longest submerged, he nearly suffocated Willie by wrestling him submerged. He was the pursued that turned into the tracker like in the story he read called, The Most Dangerous Game. Bobby was simply the legend and he liked himself now. The following day he proceeds to ask Dr. Kahn for a raise. He was extremely apprehensive on the grounds that Dr. Kahn was extremely mean. He got the raise and felt great about himself now. The topic, one should go to bat for himself regardless of the circumstance, just came in to activity and now you know how Bobby and the story fit in with the topic. .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .postImageUrl , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:hover , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:visited , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:active { border:0!important; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:active , .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ub4c27982 549029f6b164435264182c5a .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ub4c27982549029f6b164435264182c5a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Moral Accountability Essay It is extremely significant for individuals to follow this topic and story since one will discover that you cannot go anyplace by crying and moaning throughout the day. Young people can truly take in a major exercise from this story since teenagers are generally that care about what they look like and have low confidence.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Is IEW Classical

by Homeschool Magalog (read the full article here), lists more ways IEW is classical: We model compositions similar to the classical rhetoric exercises. We use classical figures of speech. We value imitation. We practice memorization as a discipline. We teach how to speak well. So, is IEW classical? We think so, but you be the judge. Read a little more about the ancient exercises, classical methodologies, and the canons of rhetoric, and see if we meet the standard, even without the fancy terminology. However, we are not exclusively classical. We teach what works to create excellence in writing, and it’s not surprising that what works hasn’t changed for several thousand years.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lessons Learned Through My Husbands Depolyment - 1728 Words

Helene Hackett-Condreay Lessons Learned Throughout My Husbands Deployment He wore blue jean shorts, a red, white and blue striped polo style shirt, and a pair of white Nike tennis shoes when he strolled into the leasing office at Pebble Creek Apartments. At six feet, six inches tall, he towered over me as I rose from the table where I had just signed my lease for my new apartment. As I looked into his smiling hazel eyes, he told me his name was Blaine Condreay. I knew instantly he was my destiny. I was a divorced, single mother of two young children who were the center of my life. He was a police officer, a soldier in the Oklahoma Army National Guard, and the Courtesy Patrol Officer at Pebble Creek Apartments; he was†¦show more content†¦My friendships became more solid and more appreciated than ever before. The friends who reached out to me during Blaines absence helped me to stay busy and kept my mind off the worry that comes from having a husband in a war zone. Blaines friends emailed or called weekly to see how he was doing and ask ed if they could help me in any way. Reflecting on the many ways friends came to my aid and anticipated needs I didnt realize I had, taught me the important learning experience of the true meaning of friendship. Having grown up in a very spiritual household, I had always had great faith in a higher power; however, through Blaines deployment I learned to have faith in my husbands ability to perform his duties extremely well which was an important learning experience. Blaines job in the military as a Medical Evacuation Crew Chief was an extremely dangerous one. While most people were fleeing from danger, he and his crew were flying directly into it. Rescuing and evacuating wounded soldiers from the battlefield meant he flew and landed in unsafe areas, surrounded by the enemy, and his aircraft often drew unfriendly fire. Blaine had always been honest with me about the dangers of his job and through telephone conversations with him, I learned he and his crew had many close calls during missions. I prayed daily for the safety of my husband, his crew and all the men and women who had deployed with him. Prayer comforted me

Organizational Learning and Development; Cengage Learning

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Learning and DevelopmentforCengage Learning. Answer: Introduction Organizational structure refers to the structure which an organization adopts to achieve the long term goals by arranging the people and the jobs so that the goals can be achieved. It helps in defining the character of an organization regarding its behavior under different circumstances. It is necessary for the organization to define the structure in a significant manner too design the various position and departments in an organizational structure. It defines the relationship in between various jobs and department and creates a hierarchy for the efficient utilization of the resources (Kortmann, 2012). The Various Components of the Organizational Structure are: Complexity: organizational structure depends upon the various complex issues. If the structure of an organization is complex it is difficult for an organization to achieve the targets. The goals of an organization can only be achieved if there are lesser complexities. Under such a circumstance it is the duty of the management to form simpler tools which necessarily helps in achieving the goals. Complexities deal with the formation of the organizational structure for defining authority. Formalization: the degree of differentiation in managing the authority can only be created if the organizational structure is formal. The organization where the structure is informal the employees find difficulty in achieving the targets. The organizations where the management has formalized the authority the employees are more productive whereas those organizations which adopt an informal structure are less productive (Robbins, 2009). Centralization: centralization and decentralization are essential for managing an organizational structure. The organization which has centralized structure is least liberal in their approach. Whereas the organizations which have are decentralized in nature are liberal in nature. The degree of the centralization defines the structure in an organization. It relates with the decision making authority and its functions which helps in concentrating the resources under the given situation (Sanchez and Heene, 2005). Ans to Q-2. Organizational structure and design are two inter-related terms in the organization. The structure of an organization represents the power and responsibilities of a company. The structure of an organizational flow in a hierarchy which flows from top level to lower level. An organizational design is a strategy where the organization unifies different department of the organization. It deals in planning the organizational activities. Developing the organizational structure is a difficult task as it involves management of the large business. The most difficult issue in an organization is to create a formal link for the supervisory purpose. Both the organizational structure is not an easy task. Both the structure and design are different in the manner of creation (Middleton, 2002). If a company wants to form an organizational structure it helps in designing the work flow for operating various business operations. The organizational design depends upon the structure of the pro ducts and the various processes. Changes may affect the organization but it does not affect the design of the organization (Phillips and Gully, 2011). Organizational structure helps in determining the organizational behavior and persuades the culture of the organization whereas the design of the organization helps in determining the flexibility in the organization. Their relationship depends upon the degree of changes which are essential to incorporate in the design of the organization (Luthans, 2005). The Asian companies have a very rigid structure and are very formal in approach whereas the western countries are flexible in nature. They follow an informal structure in an organization. For example: the organizational structure and design of Starbucks varies from the other coffee brands due to its vast span. They have a decentralized organizational structure which has a direct link with the culture of the company. Starbucks way of managing operations is similar in every country which focuses on carrying forward the mission of the organization (Robbins and judge, 2009). Ans to Q-3. The organizational structure of a company helps in deciding the relationship between the people and the organization. The organizational chart include the management, managers, sub-workers, etc who are working in relationship with each other. When an organization grows the structure develops into different parts. There are three types of an organizational structure in an organization: Hierarchical Matrix Horizontal Nestle follows a decentralized organizational structure which is organized through matrix structure. It allows the employees at the subordinate level to enjoy a high- level of independence. The majority of the decisions are made at headquarter but daily operations are carried by the subordinate branches. The responsibility of the organization is left with the local units at the different places. Nestle has developed from a small organization to a multinational company. It has adjusted itself in the diversified environment to achieve the long term objectives. Nestle is growing continuously in size as well as in structure which has helped in achieving growth. Nestle Organizational Chart The organizational structure of Nestle is divided in 3 types which are: Top level management: the top-level management is responsible to frame the policies for an organization. It is the final authority who takes the decision for an organization. They lay down the budget for the organization and divide the power among the middle level of management. Middle- Level Management The role of the middle-level management is to implement the policies which are lay down by the top-level manager. There duty is to allocate the task to the lower management. They have to keep a check on their working to achieve the better results (Staw, 2006). Lower Level Management There duty in an organization is to follow the directions which are given by the managers. Lower level manager has a duty to maintain good relations with organization. Ans to Q-4. Interventions in an organization are managed through the acumen skills of the HR manager. The organizations are facing multiple issues due to the external environment. HR manager plays a significant role by managing the employees and the differences which are not in the interest of the organization. It is a difficult task for the manger ti manages the organization with the limited resources. A medium-sized organization has limited resources and employees. The major difficulty is in managing the organization under the given resources. The HR intervention necessary for an organization are as follows: It is essential for a medium-sized organization to limit the size of the employees as per the requirement. Employing the people as per the organizational structure is essential. Secondly there is a necessity in an organization to establish the responsibility on each employee to achieve the sustainable result under adverse situations. A manager has to play multiple roles in the organization while dealing with the employees which are already facing difficulties. Thirdly a manager has a duty to craft policies as per the current requirements. The organization faces various challenges due to the competitive environment. Under the difficult situation a good organizational structure helps in retrieving the maximum result. A medium sized organization face challenges from the other competitor. In such a situation the manager has to restructure the organization looking onto the current situation. HRM practices varies from organization to organization under such situation a manger in an advertising company has to take progressive decisions keeping in mind the welfare of the employees. In atoxic organization the manager has to eliminate the flaws in an effective manner (Armstrong, 2011). Ans to Q-5. Organization underwent restructuring when the internal departments are not yielding enough profit. Financial and legal advisers are hired to resolve the issue in the organization. A restructure may refer to company selling out a part, merging, changing its overall structure to increase the productivity. The company underwent restructuring depending on the MOA with the various shareholders and creditors (Pomerleano and Shaw, 2005). Example: restructuring is an essential to procure the maximum productivity. In the case of General Motors it decided to shut down 21 Plants due to constant loses in the year 1991. It laid-off 74,000 employees to counter the losses. GM is the motor giant and it has a successful history. The organization has adopted downsizing as the restructuring method to achieve the objectives. Downsizing is a common restructuring policy which is adopted as a tool to manage the internal organization.GM has undergone restructuring in the year 2009 which is due to bankruptcy. It is a tool used by the management to lever the asset of the organization (Weston, 2003). The recent successful merger is an example of the corporate restructuring where Dell Corporation merged EMC into the organization to compete with the global competitors like HP and Lenovo the main aim behind the merger is to deal with the contingencies the companies are facing and to overcome against them together. Dell has the best supply chain services whereas EMC has a cutting edge over the technology. It is called as the largest restructuring in the year 2016. It strengthens the inner capacity of the organization and helps in achieving the objectives. There is no successful formula for restructuring the company. But at the time of constant losses it is necessary for an organization to restructure its internal strength to increase the overall productivity. The success of an organization depends on, how fast it adopts the changes in the environment (King, 2016). References Armstrong, M. (2011). Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management. Kogan Page Publishers King, R. (2016). Dell Closes $60 Billion Merger with EMC. (Online).Available at: (Accessed on: 10/10/16) Kortmann, S. (2012). The relationship between organizational structure and organizational ambidexterity. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, Luthans, F. (2005). Organizational behavior. McGraw-Hill Middleton, J. (2002)organizational behavior. Oxford, U.K.: Capstone Pub. Phillips,J and Gully,S.(2011). Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success. Cengage Learning Pomerleano, M. and Shaw, W. (2005). Corporate Restructuring: Lessons from Experience. World Bank Publications Robbins,S. And judge, T. (2009).organizational behavior. Frenchs forest, n.s.w.: Pearson education Australia Robbins, S. (2009). Organizational Behavior, 13/E. Pearson Education Sanchez, R. And Heene, A. (2005). A focused issue on managing knowledge assets and organizational learning. Amsterdam: Elsevier Jai Staw, B. (2006). Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews. Elsevier Weston, (2003). Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance. Pearson Education

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Argumentative Essay Samples For Middle School

Argumentative Essay Samples For Middle SchoolArgumentative essay samples for middle school are an essential part of the college application process. Writing good essays is a skill that all students should acquire. While the art of writing an essay is never easy, there are some things you can do to make it easier.The most important thing to remember about essay writing is that the content of the essay should be centered on one or two particular topics. This will help the reader to more easily follow the argument you are making. However, you should not base your arguments only on what the school wants you to say. There are many other reasons that people are in college.The topic of argumentative essay samples for middle school should be something that people can relate to. For example, if you are writing an essay about how your cousin knows more about animals than you do, then this will be more applicable to you than if you were writing about how you know more about animals than your co usin. Make sure the argument you are making stands out to the reader so that they can understand it better. Make sure that you do not overwhelm them with too much information and end up putting them to sleep. They want something they can relate to and something that will stick with them as they read.The next important thing to remember is that this is not the time to be a cute animal. In fact, if you have a very young student in your class who loves animals, it would be a good idea to steer clear of this type of essay. The reason for this is that if the essay is too cute, the child might not take it very seriously. At this age, children are still learning how to think for themselves and come up with good reasons why the arguments they make hold weight. While they are all young, they still need to learn to appreciate arguments that have good points but also do not hold much weight.It is also important to keep the length of the essay short in middle school. While this is easier said t han done, the best way to avoid it is to start writing early enough so that you are confident that you can finish before the deadline. The last thing that you want to do is make a silly mistake like giving a long essay in middle school. Make sure that you spend the time on your essay to write in a good way. The goal is to get to the point of the essay as quickly as possible and not have it drag on.Argumentative essay samples for middle school should be able to get across the main point of the essay. If the essay is very long, the meaning might not be easy to read for a first time reader. You do not want to make the student feel that the essay is too long so that he or she cannot take it very seriously.Finally, there are times when argumentative essay samples for middle school are essential. For example, if you are writing an essay on why you are a bad student. There is always going to be a reason why you are struggling. You can always make the essay more relevant by focusing on othe r areas.So, as you can see, argumentative essay samples for middle school are a necessary tool that every student should know how to use. While they are not the only thing that students need to write, they are an excellent place to start and a great way to make sure that your essay stands out and is interesting to the reader. With all of the information available on the internet, it is easier than ever to write, and these examples are an invaluable part of the essay writing process.